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4 October 2023 - 5 October 2023
Basel, Switzerland
connect4geothermal 2023


Hotel rooms the the Geothermal Forum (night from 04-05.10) can be booked here.


The Forum location is Basel Congress Center, Messeplatz 21, 4058 Basel.
see on google maps

  • Travel by plane: Basel Airport (0.5h by public transport from airport to Congress Center), Zurich airport (1.5 h by train and public transport)
  • Travel by train to Basel: timetable
  • Public transport in Basel:
    • Tram No. 1 from Basel main train station to "Messeplatz"
  • Travel by car: parking possibilities on site 


  • Bring your own headphones and mobile device for translations and interactions.
    All presentations will be simultaneously translated into DE/FR/EN and broadcasted live and online via the platform www.connect4geothermal.ch. No headphones will be distributed on site.
    => On-site participants must bring their own headphones and mobile device with WIFI / internet access (laptop, tablet, mobile phone).
    With your device you will be able to log in to the platform, select your language and interact with the speakers (questions and answers).
    - On-site participants will also need their own device for the 1to1 meetings with participants from Switzerland and abroad who are participating online.


  • Book your 1to1 appointments
    If you haven't already done so, we recommend you to book appointments in advance of the Forum with other participants you would like to meet. This will make your networking more effective. It's easy: once you are logged in to the platform with your login, you can go through the list of participants with their profiles and choose the ones you would like to meet. This is possible until September 28th. On September 29th, every participant will receive his personal schedule.
    => To increase your visibility, we recommend you to publish concrete cooperation opportunities on the marketplace.
  • Download App b2match on Apple Store or Google Play.
    The whole event will happen hybrid on site and online on the platform b2match. Each participant will receive his or her personal programme on the platform, with the selected sessions, including links for translations and interactions, as well as with the agreed personal 1to1 meetings. There can always be changes at the last moment. These will be updated in the personal programme on the platform. Participants can also contact other participants via the platform during the forum.
    => For your optimal networking, we recommend downloading the app b2match on App Store or Google Play before the forum.


Email to connect@geothermie-schweiz.ch

Closed since 2 October 2023
Location Concress Center, Basel
Organised by
Participants 94
Meetings 90
Switzerland 162
France 12
Germany 11
Italy 1
Spain 1
United Kingdom 1
Netherlands 1
Total 189
Private company 88
Public authority 35
Public-private company 23
Association / Federation 15
Research institution / University 13
Start-up company 11
Media 2
Foundation 1
Cooperative 1
Total 189
Profile views
Before event 2014
After event 375
Total 2389